- The Company/Business Name (exactly as registered with ASIC)
- The Company/Business's ABN
When filling in the required field for the .com.au domain name, you will be shown a page similar to this (without the sample text in the fields):
Here is the list of the fields, and what to type (or copy'n'paste) in each one:
- The Registrant Name is the full Company Name (including the "Pty Ltd")
- The Registrant ID is the Company's ABN
- The Registrant ID Type should be: ABN
. - The Eligibility Name is the full Company Name (including the "Pty Ltd").
- The Eligibility ID is the Company's ABN
- The Eligibility ID Type should be: Australian Business Number (ABN)
. - The Eligibility Type should be: Company.
Thursday, June 8, 2017